How to Build Your Surfboard Quiver

How to Build Your Surfboard Quiver

August 13, 2021

When building your surfboard quiver we should all start with your goals in mind.  Here at Degree 33 we are always talking to our customers about the progression ladder which means when you start out you go BIG and as you get better, you take another step on the ladder and gradually move to a smaller board with each step.  

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What size surfboard should I get?

What Size of Surfboard Should I Get?

March 24, 2021

So one of the most common questions we get here is, "what size of surfboard should I get?" I wish that there was a simple answer to that but unfortunately there really isn't. The answer lies in several questions I need to ask you... "What's your skill level, height, weight, goal, type of wave...?" I think you get the idea.

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10 Surf Terms You ABSOLUTELY Need To Know

February 24, 2020


Yard Sale: (yard-seyl):

To fall limbs flailing, in the most undignified manner possible.

use: “Hey is that guy leaving already? The waves are just starting to go off!” “Yeah, if you’d just thrown half a dozen yard sales in a row like he did, you’d probably be on your way out, too.”

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The Differences Between Beach Breaks, Point Breaks, and Reef Breaks

February 24, 2020

Many people assume that a surfable wave is the same wherever you go. The wave comes out of the water, you jump on your surfboard, and proceed to surf it. However, there is more to a little more to it than that. Depending on where the wave starts depends on how the wave will behave and what sort of ride the surfer can expect. For our purposes we are going to discuss waves at beach breaks, point breaks, and reef breaks.

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Traction Pads. Do You Need Em?

February 24, 2020

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Epoxy Surfboards: Pros vs. Cons

Epoxy Surfboards: Pros vs. Cons

February 24, 2020

Epoxy surfboards started to become popular in the 1990's. Prior to that for the last 40 or so years, traditional fiberglass surfboards were what the masses surfed with. As with anything new there have been many discussions over the benefits and downsides of an epoxy surfboard. For those of you considering purchasing a new surfboard here are some points to consider.

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Fins: How many do I need?

February 24, 2020

This is a basic fin cluster overview for any surfer that has questions about types of fin setups and what each cluster is aiming for. With the exception of the Twin/Keel fin (yet), all of these fin setups have a home under our roof.

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Fish Surfboards. What Size Should I Buy?

Fish Surfboards. What Size Should I Buy?

February 22, 2020

Compared to when the fish surfboards were first designed in the 1970's, there are now many sizes to choose from. There are now fish surfboards out there that are up to 8 foot long.What's style suits you best? Before purchasing your fish surfboard there are a few things to keep in mind...

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Beginner surfers | Looking to progress from a longboard to a shorter board?

Looking to make that move from a longboard to something shorter?

December 28, 2019

So you've come to a point in your surfing where you're ready for a little more maneuverability but not ready to make the jump to a shortboard (by the way, that's the vast majority of you that have never surfed anything other than a longboard). But what do you switch to?

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Reading a Surf Report and Knowing the Conditions Equals Great Waves

December 28, 2019

Lets say you recently purchased a surfboard or maybe you’ve been surfing for a little while but you just go, regardless of what the waves look like. A tool that can immediately affect the quality of your experience is knowing what factors play into wave conditions.

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The World's Best Riding Longboard Surfboard - Breaking down the Degree 33 Ultimate Longboard Surfboard

December 28, 2019

Longboards are the catch-all board for young and old, new and experienced. Some of the salty loggers you see at your local point break have never put anything shorter than 9'0" under their feet. There's a perfectly good reason for that; their motto is "no wave left behind."

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Advanced Surfers! Add Some Personality To Your Small Wave Quiver (2nd edition)

March 09, 2016

Looking for a board with personality, huh? Not gonna lie. Choosing between these two boards is like picking which of your children you love the best. We will concede, however, that these boards ride unlike anything else we’ve ever seen.

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