The 100 Wave Challenge - Surfing for our local kids

 At Degree33 Surfboards, we're a company built on stoke. In one way or another, we've found a love for the ocean that many never get a chance to find. Our mission has been to give others a better chance at finding the same love and stoke. When we heard about the 100 Wave Challenge, the message rang well beyond fundraising. It tapped into what caring is all about. Knowing that we'd get to surf with these dudes and help raise money by catching waves, the challenge was well received.

Upon meeting Joe Sigurdson, co-founder of Boys to Men, we'd seen just a glimpse of what the mentor program was all about. He showed us how much the program really meant to these kids and to the mentors that donate their time and their hearts to leading these boys in the right direction. We knew this was our opportunity to be real men (and women, boss lady Holly rocks).

When we actually met these kids down at the beach, they composed themselves with great respect and honesty. The program works! You can't tell young men how to live their lives, you have to lead by example; that's what these mentors do. Nobody is perfect, it's what we do from here on out that defines our character.

Some of us were blessed with positive role models. Some of us figured it out with the help of people who care. Here's our chance to help. We hope that you feel the same way and help us meet the needs of Boys to Men. For these kids, Boys to Men is everything, for some, it's the only family they've got.

By September 21st, the day of the event, we hope to raise at least $1000 each and $5000 as a team. This goes towards the event goal of $150,000, the modest yearly budget for the Boys to Men Program.

On the day of the event, we will all attempt to match those donor pledges by surfing 100 waves each in 12 hours. Here's your opportunity to pitch in. THERE ARE NUMEROUS WAYS TO HELP. To donate through a member of the Degree33 team, choose a member below and click on "donate."

Garek Hurt - Public Relations/ Shipping

Brandon Bennett - Warehouse Manager/ Photographer

Geoff Bewley - Shipping/ The "Muscle"

Kevin Frost - Local Board Delivery/ 'Nica connection

Bernard Lambotte - Team Rider/ R&D  

OTHER WAYS TO HELP: Click these links to find out more about the 100 Wave Challenge and the Boys to Men organization. If you think you can surf 100 waves and raise $1000 and would like to register for free, click here. If you'd like to find a way to volunteer for the event, we need all the help we can get, click here.

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