Micah Leapley

If you live in San Diego you likely recognize this guy as he frequents most of the well known breaks in his his vintage van covered in flowers and surf stickers hence the nickname "Groovy Flower Child". Anyone who has met Micah would never forget him as he may be the most Stoked grom on the planet (no joke). Not too long ago he was riding boards that he found in the bushes and within a few years he has progressed into one of the most talented longboarders in San Diego which is saying a lot. Our neighborhood is populated by surf royalty to include Skip Frye, Joel Tudor, Ryan Burch and many others. If you see Micah surfing you will likely see him on the nose or walking front to back making cutbacks look effortless. Not only is he a phenomenal surfer but he can ride anything. He absolutely rips his five foot fish that he shaped himself. One thing we love about Micah is that he makes everyone he meets feel special and is one of the friendliest people in and out of the water. We caught up with him in a short interview to learn more about him so here it goes!
Micah showing his skills on the Wedge Noserider
Age: 19
Years Surfing: 4
Homebreak: Pipes
What are your go to boards (size and type)? Longboards fishes and other fast boards
Getting a thick barrel on our team trip to the BSR Waco Wave Pool
Other Sports/Hobbies? Skating mostly
What are you listening to these days? Moxi n loon and Bob Dylan
What’s your favorite thing about surfing? The absolute freedom it brings
Best wave you can remember? Everyday I leave going “that was the best session ever”
What’s one thing you can’t leave the house without? Ol trusty bucket hat
Who is your favorite surfer and why? Miguel Sinclair recently, he captures what true classic style is. A great icon in this new generation
Favorite food? burrito no doubt about
All smiles when you see him at the beach
If money was no object, where would you go and what would you do? Bali and well, stay.
What do you like most about being a Degree 33 ambassador? The community of truly wonderful people the friendships and memories
Another great photo on the 9'7" Wedge Noserider with Black Rail